11:14 PM

Contact lenses

Posted by Mister Picses

Contact lenses are for those who wouldn't dream of spoiling their looks with glasses and who still need a seeing aide. Contact lenses are a very inexpensive option prescribed by most opticians for their clients. Although almost anyone can wear a contact lens, there are a few individuals whose eyes cannot adjust to contact lenses. It is recommended that a good eye doctor be consulted before you begin using contact lenses on your eyes.Contact Lenses - To Wear Or Not To Wear .Contact lenses may have shown us the way out of the good "old" glasses, but it is highly recommended that contact lenses be used only after consulting an eye specialist or optician. Wearing contact lenses at all times may cause harm to your eye. Also it is important to know the right way to wear your contact lenses. Continuous wear is not advisable and there are ongoing debates about whether one can wear contact lenses to sleep. Still, contact lenses are quite the rage among office workers as well as those from the fashion world such as models and stars. Colored Contact Lenses. Some of us have been endowed with uniquely colored eyes, while for some; colored eyes can enhance the attractiveness and charm of an individual. Colored contact lenses are available for those who would like the world to show a different side to them whenever they choose. Hazel, brown, blue, grey, green and even hard-to-find colors like purple or yellow is not unlikely colors for contact lenses worn by people in today's modern and fashionable world. Many contact lens manufacturers also make colored contact lenses to cater to this rapidly growing clientele of contact lens users. Disposable Contact Lenses.Many manufacturers of contact lenses have come up with disposable contact lenses. These lenses can be thrown away after use and do not carry the risks of infection or other side effects of normal contact lenses. Disposable contact lenses may be an expensive option, but they have been in great demand for quite some time among those who are constantly traveling or are exposed to various hazardous substances. It is easier for them to throw away used contact lenses than to face infections or other eye-related problems because of unclean contact lenses.

1:47 AM

Makeup for Women

Posted by Mister Picses

Beauty and women were always related to each other since the ancient times. No matter of what age is the woman she wants to look good. Today not only girls apply make up but the aged women also apply make-up to themselves. They consider their lips to be the most important part of their beauty. They can make any type of man come towards them by just using the beauty of their lips. Their lip make-up include lip gloss lip sense lip pencil etc. Lip glosses provide moisture and shine to the lips and prevent it from dryness. Lip sense is a semi permanent color to the lips as per the woman's choice and keep the color smear proof and water proof. It also provides moisture to the lips. Lip pencils outline the lip line and make the lips more beautiful.If an aged woman applies well chosen make-up then she can look even 10 to 15 years younger than her present age. First of all make up adds color to the pale skin of the aging woman. It makes the skin to looks as young as it was 10 years ago. It adds a tone to the paler aging skin and covers the aging factor of the body and gives a whole new look to the woman. It gives a new definition to the whole body. For example, by thinning eyebrows or darkening the lip line can redefine the beauty of a woman. It makes the woman feel young again.Make up enhances the beautiful points of the woman. A correctly applies make up highly enhances those parts of the face that a woman thinks are most important to define their beauty. They include eyes lips cheeks etc. A correctly applied make up enhances the eye brows making the eyes more attractive. Lip sense and lip pencil can make the lips look more attractive kissable and lustrous. It covers the pale color of the lips with its dark color when perfectly applied and makes the woman young again.A make up can reduce the dark pockets beneath the eyes up to a great extent. This shows that make up can also disguise imperfections. The best example of this fact is that the thinner lips of aged women can be improved by using lip sense and lip pencil correctly which makes them thick by covering them with color and marks a perfect lip line around the lips. Finally, a well applied make up highly boosts the confidence of a woman. Once the woman has the make up on her face she feels automatically smarter and more beautiful than ever.

1:22 AM

Party Hair Style

Posted by Mister Picses

When it comes to girls, there can nothing be more important for them than their beauty. They are rated as the top most beauty conscious creature on this earth and good hair are certainly a nice addition to their repertoire. That is one of the reasons that there are so many hair care products on the block. However the other thing that enhances the importance of good shiny hair is that girls can go with different styles and these hairstyles can really change their whole personality. Whenever there is a party the hairstyle has to be different and it is because of this need that you can find all of the beauty parlors and hairdressers bulging with people.Short hair style: Short hairstyles for little girls could be quite easy to do and also to keep. To make this the hair lengths are to go a little past the ears in quite a simple fashion. If you remember, as an instance Dakota Fanning who sports many attractive fashions in short hair style. Short hair style us good for active girls since they won’t get all messed up during playtime and these hairdos can be easily cleaned by their mothers. Medium Hair style: Since the hair styles here lie in between long and short appropriate washing and brushing is needed as well as being more measured of tangle ups in conditions such as swings and other play way activities. Medium hairstyles are made up for this by allowing for an abundance of cute hair style. From braid to cute tieback to slight curl and the end there are plenty of to choose from. Long Hairstyles. It is now proven that any hair length longer than little girl’s shoulder is generally not recommended for those little girls unless one takes the time to look after it i.e. for the hair properly. If anyone has seen the movie 'Curly Sue' that small girl's hair were very long and equally curly but what almost all the parents got to understand is that they can easily get tangled tied up and can become very dirty. Therefore just like an adult’s hair a lot more care is required for little girls who have longer length hair. Some useful tips for girl’s hair styleOne should not use too many hair products or tools for the little girls. One should try different styles since little girls seem to go for many more hair styles as possible. One should keep hair styles simple since after all they are still younger ones who would run and play almost all the da

1:03 AM

Different Body Jewellery Items

Posted by Mister Picses

Jewellery has become the most demanding and loveable item. Big numbers of jewellery shops are opened nowadays. Its increasing demand let the people feel the need to open jewellery shops in streets. It may be said that it is now being sold door to door because when we left one street and just enter in to the second we can see little shops that have all necessary variety of jewellery. Jewellery items for all body parts are now extensively manufactured in artificial steel and in other precious metals too. Both men and women love to buy jewellery. Body jewellery is becoming most popular item amongst all. The reason behind its popularity and vast scale purchasing is that it is extremely fashionable and loved by youngsters. It is available in large variety. Most common types are lip nose belly eyebrow rings etc. To use this kind of items people need to pierce their body section.
Generally is worn on belly and known as belly bars. Different belly bars are available in different quality and value. Some belly bars are often made with pure . Many body bars contain gems like cubic zirconia. This gem is used to wear buy young women because these are very beautiful and affordable. These are also made with stainless steel that really sparkles and looks cool on low ages. These are also available in intimated animal designs that are very cute and liked most.
Eyebrow rings have also become popular and only used by youngsters. Some wears two and some wears three at the end of eyebrow. These rings are available in many precious and semi precious stones and as well settled with worthy gems. Usually it is the most recent trend of western countries.
Nose rings are the traditional items and were used in ancient times. Egyptians used to wear it. Especially the queens and princesses use these rings to adorn themselves. In the beginning these were too big in size and become smaller as the time passed. Then it was worn in old African cultures and in Asian cultures too. Today these are traditionally worn by both cultures. Then westerns inspired and now used to wear this by few modifications and alterations.
Earrings are also the part of. As we know it is also an old cultured item and still used nowadays just like nose rings. Many beautiful designs with different metals and gems are now available. Because of the modernity of time the earrings have become so light weighted that no one feel their weight while wearing it and are so thin, near to the thickness of a page.
Two more items that are newly introduced are tongue rings and lip rings. Tongue rings are worn right in the middle of tongue that needs to pierce it. And lip ring are also worn in the center of lower lip where a cut is appear. Mostly these rings are available in stainless steel because it remains inside the mouth that cannot damage its color. For instance if a ring made with gold is used that may fade its color due to the food that chewed inside may tangle with it and hygienic food can create reaction with gold which may infect the whole mouth.

12:25 AM

Fantasy Makeup

Posted by Mister Picses

fantasy makeups aren't available just for Halloween or other special events and parties. The surreal makeups and hairstyles are very in trend not only because they match with the new styles, but because they make the most intriguing unique looks. You can make dramatic styles, or glamorous fairytale looks that will impress everyone. There are simple tricks to help you out with any style you woUsing false eyelashes are one of the most simple tricks to use. There are endless styles to choose from: different colors shapes even with feathers. Just make your skin flawless apply a simple eyeshadow that matches your outfit and apply the false eyelashes. It will provide such a sophisticated look that you don't need any other special to emphasize your look. The outrageous dramatic eyes will grab all the attention and complete your outfit. You can even try applying the lashes on the lower eyelid to make it more extreme.
Eyeshadow Tricks
The most common cosmetic item, the eyeshadow can also make a a great effect.
Make a nice smoky eye makeup in any color that would match your outfit. Grab a piece of lace make two holes in it for your eyes and place it on your face as a mask. Than apply the eyeshadow on the lace and when you're done remove it. It will make a perfect lace on your face as a natural mask that will look very glamorous.
Using vivid colors in large areas around the eyes and temple areas will also make a gorgeous look. Also you can mix it with a few strong eyeliner stripes to make it more sophisticated, or let it simply in one shade without using not even mascara. It will make a strange look specially if you to.
Apply Accessories
A third simple yet interesting way to create fantasy looks is to apply all kinds of accessories directly on your face. After you've done with a simple makeup that matches your style simply glue decorative object on your face and leave your imagination free. Use the eyelash glue. Get creative and start applying crystals feathers fake flowers or anything your mind can think of. Make unique mixes of colors and objects that would never match. Get some face candies and use them as makeup accessories wright on your face.
As a simple example try using sugar or glitter to make a frozen icy cold fantasy makeup.
You can get inspired from copy their looks or make new flattering makeups to make the most stunning looks. You just have to use some simple accessories or use your cosmetics in a different way to get edgy looks. You can use false lashes alternative contact lens or any other accessory you want to. Don't be afraid to experiment just go ahead and make the most incredible fantasy makeups ever!uld go for.

12:09 AM

Party Makeup fashion

Posted by Mister Picses

With the party season almost on top of us we all need to refresh our ‘Party Glamour Repertoires’. Almost all of us are pressed for time and don’t have hours or even an hour to do our makeup. So I have compiled some tips for getting ready for that party or BBQ no matter how rushed you are. This article contains great prom make up tips to create that perfect look on your special dance party that may even earn you a crown as the Prom Queen of the Night. Actually it is not really hard to be the beautiful date when you follow this basic rule: Do not look ordinary and yet do not overdo it.The first of all wash your face with cold water because this will stimulate the blood circulation in your skin which makes it ready for the makeup. Also applying moisturizing lotion is important because your makeup will last longer. Don't forget to apply the lotion massaging it into the skin again because of the blood circulation. This will perfectly prepare your skin for your upcoming party makeup. Rinse your face with water and then add moisturizer. You may find that the moisturizer you used in winter may be too heavy for summer especially if you are outdoors so opt for an oil free moisturizer.If you like to look sweet and simple all you have to is choose from a variety of minimal colors that will appear almost naturally vibrant. This kind of look is right for all those girls who possess that saccharine, pristine smile that will surely charm its way out of anything. To create this look, the colors of light pink, peaches, creams, beiges or sky blue, and shimmer gray will do the trick. A matte foundation or light cake foundation that will not make your face look too made up will be perfect.For your lips, this Christmas, forget about garishly bright lips or deep wine lips. Those are so passé. Go for something nude. Even with light makeup, you need blusher for radiance. Instead of bright rosy cheeks, go for a golden glow. Forget about fuschia red or anything that might make you look like an old fashioned doll. Go for the healthy glow. Cheat by using a caramel blusher. You get a glow that looks so natural they'll think it is real.Most women know how to apply shadows to the face but very few think about highlights. So get yourself a good highlighter! It can really make wonders and still look very natural. Apply a very small amount on your cheekbones, between your eyes and on the sides of your nose bone. That way your cheekbones will look higher and your eyes will look as if they're wider apart. You can also use some highlighter right above the lip liner on your upper lip. It will make your upper lip look fuller and more accentuated.

3:24 PM


Posted by Mister Picses

In a world extraordinarily focused on outward appearance we need only to open a magazine or turn on our televisions to see the latest and greatest fashion trend; it walks the red carpet checks out a movie premier and heads out nightly to the hottest restaurants. And we as a society always mindful of what's popular follows dutifully along eager to purchase the "must have item of the season. But ultimately the fashion style that works best for us is that which looks good on our particular body and reflects our very individual personality.As anyone who follows the fashion industry will tell you trends come and go. What is one year's hot item is the next season's fashion don't.Designers present their newest lines and before you know it stores are carrying these clothes in every conceivable variation. And then just as quickly they're gone. It's almost impossible to keep pace. Luckily the fashion style that makes the most sense on an individual level is the fashion style that reflects who we are as people and that never goes out of style.The most important thing to remember is that just because a particular fashion style is popular at the moment does not mean that it will look good on your particular body. Wearing something just for the sake of wearing it ultimately goes against the principles of fashion. A fashion style that you choose to wear should be something that accentuates your positives downplays your negatives and complements the overall line of your body.Take the time to get to know your body and what styles work best with it. Assess your body objectively if you have trouble spots, look for cuts and fabrics that camouflage what you need them to camouflage if you are on the shorter side, look for a fashion style that elongates your bodyand always choose colors that complement your skin tone.